Lowry gets funky

Lowry gets funky

By Justin Albright Posted September 21, 2011

On September 9, Lowry hosted its first-ever outside dance. Mrs. Marie-Jeanne Dawson was the one who had the idea of having this dance and she was very pleased with the results.

“The first-ever outside dance was a great success. The kids loved it and they behaved themselves for the whole thing,” said Dawson.

Dawson said, “She would definitely consider making this a continuous thing if everyone was up to it.”

Students at the Embrace the Panels Dance. /Ron Espinola • The Brand
Students at the Embrace the Panels Dance. /Ron Espinola • The Brand

The students were also very pleased with the dance. Melanie Vance, a senior, thought that having the dance her first three years would have been a great idea.

Vance said, “It definitely wouldn’t be a bad idea, and that it’s good to try and put in more dances.”

Dain Maher, a sophomore said, “I would love to have the dance my next two years here because it was really fun.”

So the Embrace the Panels dance was a very well-liked idea, and all students, including parents, would like to have this again.

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