National media outlets are showing their bias in many ways

By Amy Balagna Posted December 16, 2009

The media is wholly, entirely, and completely biased. With all these opinions and commentators coming from the left and right; who are we to listen to? Who on television and the internet can we trust?

The headlines of major news agencies are sometimes drastically different or, at times, so padded with unnecessary words that they give an entirely different meaning.

For example, FoxNews’ headline in regards to President Obama’s recently announced Afghanistan exit plan states, “Obama announces quick surge and exit plan” instead of simply stating that the President announced an exit plan. This was supposedly a news story and it was written like a commentary. MSNBC ran an Associated Press story for the same topic which is the fairest news in the media today. Not to say that MSNBC is always balanced and unbias.

MSNBC has a liberal slant while FOXNews leans to the right. One only has to watch “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” or the “O’Reilly Factor” to see the evidence.

Fox recently admitted to using the wrong video footage to make us believe that the Republican events have been getting more public interest than they actually have. However, MSNBC ran Photoshopped pictures of Sara Palin. The truth is that the media is a complete mess.

And these are just examples of obvious bias. There are always hidden influences in news stories. If I’m not thinking about what I’m reading, most of them slip by. So who in the media should we trust? I would say no one.

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