Where did all of our athletes go?

Where did all of our athletes go?

By Mary Granath Posted October, 22, 2008

Interest in high school sports seems to be fading. However, those that came before us poured all their time, energy, and sweat into athletics. They explain why it is important to revitalize the interest in athletic programs.

Why be interested in sports in the first place?

Lowry graduate of 2008, Joe Brooks answered, “I’m competitive so I do it for myself; but I do it for others too, for the betterment of the team.”

Brooks played football and wrestled for four years at Lowry and is now wrestling at Lassen College in California.

Others said they just grew up around athletics.

“It was the thing to do,” said Justin Grant, who graduated from Lowry in 2006.

Some teens are convinced that they aren’t “sports material”.

Grant argued with this saying, “It’s the heart that makes the athlete.”

Grant now wrestles for Colorado State University. Brooks and Grant agree that you don’t have to be good at a sport to be a good athlete.

2007 Lowry Grad, Bobby Jones believes a good athlete is, “Someone who provides for the team before they provide for themselves.”

For students who are interested in becoming more of a leader, perhaps playing a sport could teach them how.

Jones said “They [sports] influenced me to take on more of a leadership role than I had previously. I had a more determined outlook on life.”

Bobby Jones is currently playing baseball for Shasta College in Redding California. Athletes agree that sports can change a person.

“Athletics made me who I am today; they made me more mature and forced me to put forth some effort,” stated Brooks.

With the strong feelings, former Lowry athletes have it’s hard to understand the sudden lack of interest in sports. The administration is considering cutting all freshmen sports at Lowry because there simply aren’t enough athletes to make a team.

“There are a lot more extracurricular activities now. People find too many distractions and don’t think sports are as important,” admitted Jones. “Kids are lazy,” Brooks believes.

Perhaps it is a combination of these things that have brought about the declining interest in Lowry athletics. Maybe teens don’t understand or have forgotten the benefits of playing a sport.

“I started to value what I had a lot more than I did before playing,” Jones remembers, “people develop good relationships.”

Grant strongly believes students can take a lot from playing a sport, “You learn work ethic.”

Lowry has a longstanding, traditional athletic program that deserves respect. However, without the athletes to hold up that tradition, it will crumble. This is a call to all potential athletes, don’t be afraid to try out for a sport; playing will benefit you, Lowry, and the community.

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