All things must end for something new to start

All things must end for something new to start

By Nathan Cahill Posted June 9, 2016

It was another great year for Lowry. The students at Lowry High School make friends with the teachers and get close to them and every year Lowry gets new staff but in order to get new staff then the old have to leave. Lowry is replacing several staff members while others are simply changing positions.

English teacher Vicki Meissner has had a good 20 years but will be leaving this year. The teacher replacing Vicki Meissner will be Kelly Ross, one of the people who helps with the Honor Society. She was also a student teacher at Lowry.

Vicki Meissner
”20 years full time. I loved it I loved it a lot. I love the students I’m doing my job and I love the people I work with. I’m just getting older and it’s harder to do. Might substitute teach I’d like to travel and see my grandkids. I think she (Kelly Ross) is an excellent teacher she did her student teaching here and she’s been helping with Honor Society for a couple of years now. She’s a friend of mine I think She’s really good.”

History teacher Ty Lucas thankfully is not leaving, but will be teaching a different class. The teacher taking over his History class will be Kristin Flanders.

Lucas will be replacing Lowry’s Tim Billingsley in PE. Billingsley was also the football coach for the Bucks. They have all done as much as they could to prepare us for the future but this year will be the end of two fun, kind teachers but they will always be remembered.

Tim Billingsley
“30 years of teaching in Winnemucca 20 for the Junior high and 10 for here (Lowry High School). I love it and thought I had the greatest job in the world to get to teach P.E. and be around the kids and especially when my kids got old enough to be up here it’s having a fun time. Go fishing get a fishing boat. We got some things in the works we’ll see what happens take it easy for a while.”

Andrew Anderson will be leaving by the end of this year as well. He is going to be moving with his family to Minnesota where he went to college. He has done a lot to help kids follow their artistic dreams. The person replacing Anderson has not yet been determined.

Andrew Anderson
“I’m moving to Minnesota, Twin Cities. It’s my favorite thing to do so I’m going to miss them. It’s been awesome having to give photos to the art club kind of helped me through the process of leaving. I will be teaching in a private school named Legacy Christian Academy in Minnesota High School art.”

We will not only be losing teachers but also other staff as well. One of Lowry’s Food servers. head cook, Sandra Matheny will be leaving at the end of the year.

Sandra Matheny
“It’s been wonderful I really liked my job. Watching the kids over the years it’s been fun. About 24 years. Do whatever I want don’t get up and go to work.”

One of Lowry’s well-known Counselors Lynn Ludlow-Andress will be leaving and will be replaced by Dana Peters. Ms. Peters was a counselor at the Junior High and most recently, at French Ford Middle School. She should be familiar to Lowry students as she also coaches the softball team.

Ludlow has done what she could to help out students that needed help and guide them, but all great things must come to an end so Lowry must all say goodbye to these great teachers and staff members and hope we see them again further down the road.

Lynn Ludlow-Andress
“24 years. I’m sad to go but I’m ready. I’m going to miss the kids. I’ve had thousands of kids and I see them in their 40s now from when they were kids and it’s really great. Spend a lot of time with my horses and maybe move to California. She [Mrs. Peters] knows lots of kids now because she is from the Junior High and a very nice woman. She likes kids and I know she will do a very good job.”