Do’s and Don’ts: Holidays

Do’s and Don’ts: Holidays

By Ale Ibarra Posted December 20, 2016

Do place milk and cookies out for Santa.

Don’t be a jerk.

Do make a snow angel.

Don’t re-gift; it’s rude and it’s just wrong.

Do spend as much time with friends & family as you can.

Don’t eat the yellow snow.

Do wear fuzzy socks.

Don’t post snow statuses on social media; we know it’s snowing.

Do bake cookies with grandma.

Don’t dress up as a clown.

Do drink hot chocolate while watching “The Polar Express”.

Don’t stick your tongue on a frozen pole.

Do go sledding over break.

Don’t go down the chimney; you won’t fit.

Do enjoy this one-week break, as it is too short.

Don’t lose your holiday spirit, Lowry!