Press Release: Statement by the President on the Death of Taliban Leader Mansur

Press Release: Statement by the President on the Death of Taliban Leader Mansur

By Nico Espinola Posted May 26, 2016

In a release from the White House on May 23, President Barack Obama spoke about the death of the leader of the Taliban.

Obama explained the importance of the death of Mansur

“Mansur rejected efforts by the Afghan government to seriously engage in peace talks and end the violence that has taken the lives of countless innocent Afghan men, women, and children. The Taliban should seize the opportunity to pursue the only real path for ending this long conflict – joining the Afghan government in a reconciliation process that leads to lasting peace and stability,” Obama said.

He then explained the United States’ plan to continue strengthening the Afghan people.

“As an enduring partner of the Afghan people, the United States will continue to help strengthen Afghan security forces and support President Ghani and the National Unity Government in their efforts to forge the peace and progress that Afghans deserve. We will continue taking action against extremist networks that target the United States. We will work on shared objectives with Pakistan, where terrorists that threaten all our nations must be denied safe haven,” Obama said.

Obama finished by thanking the American military for what it does.