Valentine’s Day is everyone’s day

Valentine’s Day is everyone’s day

By Ale Ibarra Posted February 22, 2019

This holiday in the middle of February has always seemed to rub people the wrong way. Usually, it is because there are a lot of pink and red hearts in supermarkets and stores around town or it could be because of excessive sugar consumption. There are also a lot of people that don’t enjoy the holiday because of their past experiences with it. However, regardless of what the feelings are, one should not be totally against the date.

Valentine’s Day is originally thought to be just for a significant other. While this is the typical reason people celebrate it, it is not necessary to have a significant other to show someone that you love them.

Family, for instance, can be recipients of ridiculously expensive flowers, thoughtful cards, and boxes of chocolates. It may be super cheesy but it’s a great way to show some appreciation. Now, appreciation can be expressed on any other day of the year. But when you are given a full 24 hours to show someone that you care about them, why not? It is better to celebrate whatever love we have in life, rather than sulk and complain because we don’t have a certain type of love.

The fact that you don’t have a particular person to spend it with does not mean that you have to disregard any and all kindness that day. It’s just like any other holiday that has a meaning to it. You can choose to participate in showing kindness or you can sit out. It is all a choice. However, being a rude and bitter person just because of something personal is no excuse.

There are also those who may feel alone in this life because of family situations in store for them or if they are single, and this holiday doesn’t really help the feeling for those people. If that is your case, don’t feel obligated to give anything to anyone but yourself. Treating yourself to some Godiva chocolates, Hallmark cards, and a large rose teddy bear is the way to go. There is absolutely nothing wrong with self-indulgence at a moment when life feels like too much.

Valentine’s Day, regardless of relationship status, deserves to be enjoyed because everyone deserves to be loved.