By Weston Irons Posted April 27, 2016
Alright, so this was originally going to be a television show but The Brand doesn’t have that kind of budget not to mention it was tough to get that air time on Nickelodeon so I’m just going to write about it instead.
Senior year. And this isn’t like the senior years where you don’t recognize your grandchildren and go into cardiac arrest like eight times a day. This is the senior year where you still have your wits about you and you are probably going to do something that will severely affect when you are actually a senior citizen.
Being the prolific person that I am, people commonly ask me, “Weston, how do you do it?” Which I usually reply with a, “Do what?”. Then they reply with, “You know, like survive your senior year. I mean you are kind of a loser and a nerd.” To which I usually cry in self-pity and watch ‘Friends’ wishing I knew people like that but then I’m eventually like “Here, I’ll write a story about in The Brand,” and now I’m here. Well now I’m about 200 words deep and I still haven’t provided you with any actual useful information sooooooo I’m sorry, I’ll start now.
My first tip is probably the most obvious but I’ll say it anyway because I do not know as much on the subject on senior year as I thought I did. Do NOT become infected with senioritis and become lazy. I probably sound pretty hypocritical saying that because I’m one of the laziest people I know. A prime example would be this article which has taken me nearly a month to complete. Y’all should take one look at me and my laughable GPA and promise yourselves “I won’t be lazy and dumb like Weston come senior year.”
Secondly, I think everyone should break out of their shells when they are in their final year of high school. This is the last time you can do some crazy, somewhat regrettable, and possibly traumatizing things and have those things still considered slightly humorous. All senior students need to blossom like the little dandelions they are (because let’s face it, none of us are roses.)
My last tip is a five-letter word and it’s not “money” or “drunk” or even “littt”, it’s relax. We are entering a very scary “real” world once we leave high school and that is truly intimidating. But I believe we all just need to take it one step at a time, don’t sweat the small things, and try our best to not be miserable. This may be the end of high school but it’s also the beginning of the rest of our lives and be happy that we all have this fantastic journey awaiting all of us.