Winterfest concludes with halftime ceremony

Winterfest concludes with halftime ceremony

By Kaity Sample  Posted February 02, 2017

During the halftime ceremony of the varsity boys basketball game, the Honorary Buckaroo and Winterfest King and Queen were named.

Every year the Leadership class nominates community members who have contributed to Lowry High School and to youth throughout the community. The person chosen this year exemplifies what it means to be a true leader in the community and has given his time endlessly since moving to Humboldt County, Tim Naveran.

Tim Naveran was born December 23, 1965, to James and Dorothy May Naveran with siblings James Jr. and Edward. After an honor-filled athletic high school career, he was regarded as one of the greatest athletes in the school’s history, Tim graduated from Battle Mountain High in 1984.

After turning down athletic scholarship opportunities, Naveran attended UNR and graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic West as a Doctor of Family Chiropractic.

He began Naveran Family Chiropractic Practice with business locations in Winnemucca and Battle Mountain. With a successful business and raising his family, Naveran became a very active member of the Winnemucca community serving as the Little League president for a number of years, as well as coaching football, baseball, softball, and of course, basketball.

Naveran coached individuals to excel at athletics to each individual’s full potential and ability. His coaching did not end on the court or on the field. Naveran often reached out to those he coached to encourage and provide confidence in their life’s path. His influence has helped children in this community become amazing young adults.

Although a Longhorn alumnus, there is no truer Buckaroo than any Lowry alumnus. The only team that may rival his passion for the Buckaroos would be the Green Bay Packers. Tim has been instrumental in helping build a successful athletic program at Lowry High School. However, Naveran’s greatest achievements are his three children Garrett, Payton, and Dorsey.

Judge Michael Montero then introduced the candidates as they walked across the gym floor.

The candidates included seniors Brooklyn Backus, Travis Hardy, Amaya Herrera, Brenden Lipsett, Annaleise Gabica, and Brady Lange.

Queen Candidate Brooklyn Backus is involved in varsity golf, varsity basketball and National Honor Society at LHS. Backus’ plans after graduation are to serve an LDS mission and then pursue her dreams of becoming a physical therapist. Backus was escorted by king candidate Travis Hardy.

King Candidate Travis Hardy is involved in varsity baseball and has enjoyed being friends with all the great people he knows at LHS. Travis plans to attend UNR after graduation and major in computer engineering.

Queen Candidate Amaya Herrera currently serves as the Student Body Secretary, Honor Society President, and Winnada Co-Editor, and is also involved in varsity basketball and softball, Lettermen’s Club and the Winnemucca Irrintzi Basque Dancers. Herrera’s plans after graduation are to go to college, study history and be happy. Herrera was escorted by king candidate Brendan Lipsett.

King Candidate Brendan Lipsett is involved in Lowry Drama and causing mischief wherever he goes. Lipsett plans to attend college after graduation from Lowry and hopefully, make lots of money and start a family someday.

Queen Candidate Annaleise Gabica currently serves as the Student Body President and is involved in Lowry Leadership, National Honor Society, FBLA, and Teen Court. After graduation from LHS, Gabica plans to attend UNR for four years and then law school for another three years. Gabica was escorted by king candidate Brady Lange.

King Candidate Brady Lange has been involved in both football and basketball for four years. After graduation, Brady plans to live life one step at a time.

Last year’s king and queen Christian Riddle and Ashlee Barron crowned the 2017 Winterfest King, Brady Lange, and Queen, Amaya Herrera.

Note: The article was written with information provided by Mrs. Tanya Grady.