Jessie’s Journal

Jessie’s Journal

By Jessie Schirrick Posted February 18, 2015

How much hash would a hashtag tag if a hashtag could hashtag?

Pigeons are like the homeless people of the bird world. Speaking of which, I like how homelessness has become so common in our society that instead of trying to deal with the problem anymore we just set them aside and label them “homeless people”. Coming soon: “sick people”.

When someone is often seen alone, people assume that the person is some kind of pariah or social outcast; that they lack social skills. As a result, it is a natural inclination to pity this person while it may never occur to us that they choose not to have friends. Perhaps they feel as if nobody is worth their time.

Parenting seems like a very unfulfilling practice. Children just use up all of their parents’ energy money and time and then leave them a husk of their former selves. Parents dedicate their entire lives to their children and then once their children are grown up there is nothing left for them to do but grow old. Speaking of depressing facts of life, I’ve prepared a list of songs that I would like to be played at my funeral. The tracks include some Pink Floyd and Def Leppard. Some may see this as disheartening, I just like to be prepared, and I don’t trust my family members to choose the songs because my music taste is ever-evolving.

Isn’t the fact that our usual snowy winter has been replaced with sunny days with some occasional rainfall evidence of global warming? Are we all just choosing to ignore that it has snowed only once this entire winter? I’m good at ignoring my responsibilities; this is right up my alley.