Performer of the Issue: Diana Moraila-Parra

Performer of the Issue: Diana Moraila-Parra

By Ale Ibarra Posted December 21, 2018

Since Art students are usually underappreciated, in this issue we decided to shine some light on one of our school’s insanely creative students.

Art teacher Ms. Cassie Jenkins has an abundance of talented students but one that stood out, in particular, was freshman Diana Moraila-Parra.

“My feature artist would be Diana Moraila-Parra,” said Jenkins. “Diana is in my Art I class and is a very inspiring artist in the making.”

Jenkins also believed that Moraila was a fantastic artist due to her minimal previous instruction.

“She says that she has never had any art instruction, which means that she is sheer, raw talent,” said Jenkins.

Moraila was asked if she has any inspirations but she quickly admitted that she is moved by many things in life.

“I just like doing what I do; I like drawing a lot. I just find inspiration from anything honestly,” said Moraila.

Moraila mentioned that she has loved to draw since she “was very little”.

“I would like to get better at technique; better skills in painting. I’m not really good with that,” said Moraila.

“I’m kind of shocked that I was chosen. A good kind of shocked though,” said Moraila.

Some pieces that Diana has worked on besides the ones in her art class are done digitally. These have inspired her latest work and will continue to inspire her to push her creative boundaries.

“I’m just drawing at home. I use my iPad Pro; I use it a lot. I do a lot of digital art now. I also use that to inspire my projects from Art class,” said Moraila.

Jenkins appreciates her dedicated attitude and inspired nature.

“It is such a pleasure to have her in my class. I hope that I can nurture her talent and help her continue growing as an amazing artist,” said Jenkins.

Diana's Trading Cards. / Ale Ibarra • The Brand
Diana’s Trading Cards. / Ale Ibarra • The Brand