Student-Athlete of the Issue: Gerardo Covarrubias

Student-Athlete of the Issue: Gerardo Covarrubias

By Brooklyn Thomas Posted October 14, 2009

Gerardo Covarrubias has been chosen as the Athlete of the Issue because of his involvement and dedication to sports.

Covarrubias is a senior at Lowry and has participated in both soccer and basketball.

“I’ve been playing soccer for 12 years and basketball for nine,” said Covarrubias. He is also considering joining the track team in the Spring.

Although he was unable to play soccer last year due to injury, Covarrubias is a vital part of the team this year. He plays the position of striker and was able to score the tying goal against the defending state champions when they played Truckee at the beginning of the year.

Covarrubias is very involved with school and stated that his mother is the biggest influence in his life. He said that his mom is, “always pushing him to do well in school and sports,” and she is always there for him, especially since she works as a secretary at the school.

Covarrubias’ family has been a large inspiration in his life especially when it comes to sports.

“A lot of my cousins play basketball and my dad used to play soccer,” said Covarrubias. He has always loved sports and plans on them being a large part of his life.

Next year his only sibling will be a freshman at Lowry and he expects that she will do well.

“I think she’ll do well. She is good at soccer and basketball. She is smarter than I am,” said Covarrubias.

When Covarrubias finishes high school he wants to go to Arizona and work with his cousins. He is interested in becoming an electrician and wants to construct stereo systems for cars.

Friday he was chosen as the Homecoming King.

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