A lot has changed for seniors through the years

A lot has changed for seniors through the years

By Riley Sakurada Posted June 7, 2018

Here we go seniors; we have finally made it. We all know senior year is gone. It sure came and went away quickly. Feels like we were just in 4th grade acting like the top dogs of elementary school, listening to our CD players playing Backstreet Boys rolling down the hallways in our Heelys. Think back to what you used to wear. Was it light-up Sketchers, bell bottoms, or walking down the street sucking on a baby bottle pop?

We all did crazy things back in the day, but it wasn’t just what we used to wear or what we ate. Halley’s Comet excited the world.

In the year 2000, J.K. Rowling released her fourth book in the Harry Potter Series, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”. In 2001 the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” hit the big screen.

The very first iPod music player was released in the year 2001, arguably the best invention in music listening since the Walkman. Instead of carrying around jukeboxes, people started carrying their music in their pocket.

Does anyone remember having movies that were on the big box-shaped tapes called VHS? DVD players started taking over that market in the year 2000.

The song “Oops, I Did it Again” by Britney Spears was released in 2000. The 2000s did not treat Britney the best, remember when she shaved her head in 2007?

The Nokia 3310 was the #1 selling cell phone in 2000. Back then they did not have to worry about protecting phones in cases and screen protectors. Those phones were indestructible.

A lot has changed since then. Now we walk around with portable computers in our hands and never take our eyes off of them. We roll around in $120 Nikes, beats over our ears listening to mumble rap. So isn’t it crazy how much has changed in the past 18 years? Just imagine how much more will change in the next 18 years,