Art and CTE hold annual showcase

Art and CTE hold annual showcase

By Samm Sharp Posted June 7, 2018

The annual Art and CTE showcase took place on May 31. Several different artistic levels and skills were displayed around the art building.

All the teachers were satisfied with the turnout (about 200 people). Art 1 and basic drawing teacher, Ms. Cassandra Jenkins, received many compliments from viewers, who were impressed by the variety and talents of the students.

Jenkins stated she was proud of the work produced this year.

“As a whole, the quality of work was good. Obviously there are times in the year when you wish the students would give more, but it’s kind of the nature of the beast when you have breaks coming up. Overall, everyone produced one piece they’re really proud of,” said Jenkins.

Junior Hannah Growcock, member of Art 2, mentioned that she enjoyed the year but there were a few things she really liked.

Show attendees views samples from art classes. /Ron Espinola • The Brand“My favorite part about this year was my group. We always had really funny conversations,” said Growcock. “The project I liked the most was the two Artist’s Choice because there was this sense of freedom.”

Fellow Art 2 student, Bella Bourquin, stated that Art was always a good time.

“My favorite part about this year was when Topholm taught us how to dance to ‘Baby One More Time’ by Britney Spears and we listened to old Britney the rest of the period,” said Bourquin.

According to Art 2 and Advanced Art teacher Ms. Julia Topholm, Vice Principal Mr. Tim Connors was very impressed by this year’s show due to the variety of the work.

Topholm stated that overall there’s been lots of success this year, but also some struggles.

Students demonstrating chalk art. /Ron Espinola • The Brand“This group of seniors in particular have exceeded my expectations with their productivity and creativity they’ve shared with us throughout all four years,” said Topholm. “This year they produced some of the best artwork I’ve seen in a really long time.”

Topholm hopes to see students who haven’t taken an art class before, join and “see what the Art Department has to offer.”