By Tara Bourland Posted December 7, 2017
The Redneck club will soon be holding their official meetings. This club is being created to bring out another side of the student section that don’t necessarily get enough recognition. This club will be a way for more students that have no voice, to get involved in the school.
Club founder, Anthony Barber said this club will include cow tipping, mudding, tractor pulls, hunting rabbits, pig wrestling, an instructional class on how to fix things with duct tape, and making pools in the beds of lifted trucks.
He mentioned that the club will be strictly Rednecks and that camo clothing is preferred.
“This club is for people who love shooting, love the USA, aren’t afraid to stand for the flag when it’s necessary, and as long as you don’t care what people think of about you, you will fit right in,” Barber said.
However, the club is struggling to find a teacher willing to serve as the advisor. Those interested can contact Barber.
According to Barber, the club will have a meeting every month to gather and share tips and events.
They currently have a petition in an attempt to get the school board to allow the rednecks their own parking lot at the high school so that they can drift and race without getting in trouble. If passed, trucks (and Jeeps) will be the only vehicles allowed in the parking lot.
Meetings will be held in the dirt parking lot for anyone interested.