Fernley bleeds blue and gold

Fernley bleeds blue and gold

By Nathen Cahill Posted October 5, 2015

Lowry High’s JV volleyball team brings home the gold. Friday, September 11 was the JV volleyball game against Fernley at home.

According to Coach Brandon Eastman, the game went great. Lowry won 2-0.

“Fernley threw stuff at us that we weren’t expecting, but we pulled through,” said Eastman.

He said the whole team has improved. The defense was on its toes through all two sets, blocking almost every point Fernley tried for.

There were many close calls but they weren’t enough to make Lowry lose the game. Eastman likes the direction that the team is taking and looks forward to future games.

JV Volleyball will be playing next on September 23, at 5 p.m. against Spring Creek.