By Nathen Cahill Posted March 4, 2016
Gaming is a job in many ways. One example is game testers. You need an intelligent gamer to actually know if the game is good or not or if it needs improvement. Fable Legends, a new Fable game coming out, has many beta testers. Some game testers may not get paid, but they get to help the developers out with oversights and bugs. It takes people who know what they’re doing to be able to actually test a game. Not everyone can just tell if a game is good by just looking at the trailer, you have to actually watch gameplays or play the game. Being a game tester pays very well and gives you a new outlook on a new type of field. A game tester makes $48,000 yearly.
There are also tournaments that gamers can be in, but those take people who love games and devote their lives to them which is impressive that they put so much time into games and it pays off in the end with money and skill. Playing these tournaments can give you a chance to win a lot of money if you have enough training. These tournaments are well thought out and can be very challenging even when they look like they could be the easiest thing out there.
There are other ways of making gaming a job for example if you are a YouTuber you can get a massive amount of views by just doing playthroughs or filming funny moments in games. People think YouTubers get paid as if they worked at McDonalds, but a YouTuber can make a living off of Youtube and the person’s sponsors. H2ODelirious, a YouTuber, makes about $150,000/month. So those who think they don’t make a lot of money think again because with the right contacts, you can capitalize on YouTube.