Jessie’s Journal

Jessie’s Journal

By Jessie Schirrick Posted April 16, 2014

I can’t wait to move to a new town so I can rename myself and completely change up my persona. In college, I’ll be a contemporary dancer who goes by the name of Harvey and has a mysterious past that suggests I was once a world-class jewel thief.

I can’t stand having a clean room, because I usually don’t. A clean room just really isn’t my thing so when I have a clean room I feel like I’m living a lie. Your room should reflect who you are and I’m just not a tidy gal.

I’ve never used a boy’s bathroom; it’s just never appealed to me. Though I’ve heard it’s a jungle in there. Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to take that step but for now, I’m content with using my gender-intended restroom.

It’s a leap of faith to plug in your music for a car full of people, that is really putting yourself out there. You are trusting the passengers with a very personal part of yourself. What if they laugh at you? What if your music kills their vibe? Do you really want to be known as the vibe killer because nobody else can relate to your unique taste in music? If it’s your car then you have the right to play whatever music you want and everybody else must groove to your vibe or not groove at all. The same goes for the air conditioning, unless you’re paying for my gas, don’t put your grimy fingers on that temperature knob.

It’s not a coincidence that the word ‘food’ is only one letter off from the word ‘good’.

Trendy clothing is such a rarity in this area, I once saw a man who donned corduroy pants and a felt overcoat and I was convinced he had time-travelled here from the early 80’s.

When I see Brody has returned I simply have to do a happy dance.

I feel like as you get older your sense of humor dries up like a raisin. That’s why the elderly make me nervous, as do small children. We just don’t have anything in common and we can never find anything to talk about.