By Celest Castellanos Posted January 29, 2018
Lowry High School will be testing on January 30. The test is The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a multiple choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces. The ASVAB test if for juniors who want to find what career they are most strong in and get an idea of an education.
Junior Julianne Montero nervously looked forward to the test.
“I am very nervous to take the test, but also very excited because I am not sure what I want to do when I am older so maybe it will give me a good idea,” said Montero. The test gave senior Whitney Willey an idea of her future.
“I took the test last year and it was pretty hard lots of math problems and stuff like that but it gave me a good idea of what careers I am strong in and how I am as a student and learner,” said Willey.