New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

By Taylor Gleason Posted December 21, 2018

Kids nowadays are trying to better themselves by setting New Year’s Resolutions but in the end, they usually don’t achieve them.

Lexi Thacker – “Be a better me and really focus on the people around me.”

Tyler Magoon – “Fix all the bridges that have been burned down and be nicer to people.”

Tim Connors- “Be a better person each and every day.”

Ethan Radmanovich – “Play baseball and do better on my grades.”

Chris Shaw – “To learn as many words as possible so I can talk endlessly.”

Rene Flores Jr. – “To never give up no matter how hard things get.”

Jayden Larose- “Go to the gym and eat healthy meals.”

Ms. Cassie Anderson./ Cripps Photography
Ms. Cassie Anderson./ Cripps Photography

Ms. Anderson- “I plan to try and get more organized so I can leave school before 7 p.m. every evening.”

Ms. Michelle Pasquale- “Keep it real, because life is too short.”

Ms. Sylvia Covarrubias- “I would like to lose weight, eat fewer sugars, get in shape, and prepare for my grandbaby Jose Ray Brown in March.”