Performer of the Year: Jacob Woosley

Performer of the Year: Jacob Woosley

By Ludi Canales Posted June 6, 2024

Ms. Kelly Bales has selected senior, Jacob Woosley, as the Performer of the Year. Jacob has been in drama since his junior year of high school.

Woosley has been a growing star in drama with an excellent repertoire.

“Over the last two years, his confidence in his performances and stage presence has grown tremendously,” said Ms. Bales. “As Prince Tom in ‘Rumpelstiltskin’, he was able to show off his improv and comedic skills.”

Woosley enjoys the ability to be himself in Drama.

“Drama gives people a chance to express themselves, and that is one thing I enjoy about being in the class,” said Woosley. “There is never any judgment towards anyone and you can just be yourself.”

Woosley is a tremendous leader in drama with leading roles.

“Jacob is a leader in Drama,” said Ms. Bales.” “This year he had starring roles in both plays, first as D’Artagnan in ‘The Three Musketeers’ and then Hansel in ‘Hansel and Gretel’. As D’Artagnan, he was on stage almost the whole play and learned over 200 lines and how to sword-fight.

Woosley is grateful for the friendships that arose within the class.

“There are so many people you get to become close with after spending so much time together,” said Woosley.

Woosley’s improvisation and consistency pay off for him in Drama.

“As Hansel, he had to improvise an entire scene that was performed in the audience while we changed sets backstage,” said Bales. “All 17 times he performed that scene were different and all were equally as hilarious because of Jacob.”

Jacob Woolsey acts during the play of ‘The Three Musketeers.’ /Raegan Terry • The Brand
Jacob Woolsey acts during the play of ‘The Three Musketeers.’ /Raegan Terry • The Brand

Woosley will always remember his fun times while playing in ‘Hansel and Gretel.’

“During our last performance, I ran and tripped up the stairs, throwing berries everywhere,” said Woosley. “It was impossible to finish the scene because everyone was laughing while trying to say their lines.”

Woosley’s intelligence and reliability are his biggest strengths on stage.

“Jacob is very intelligent which helps him interpret the characters well and gives him impressive improvisation skills,” said Bales. “He is reliable and determined to do his best on stage.”

Woosley found memorizing lines the only “difficulty” in Drama, but put a fun twist on how to learn them.

“I would record myself saying my lines in my normal voice and as well as the other characters in different voices,” said Woosley. “I also would listen to those recordings while driving in my car instead of music.”

Woosley not only enjoyed the class itself but also how Ms. Bales taught the class.

“Ms. Bales is a real nice lady,” said Woosley. “She is a lot of fun, and made the class worth it.”

Woosley recommends partaking in Drama to students because it is an amazing experience and people can express themselves.

“Anyone interested in Drama should do it,” said Woosley. “It is fun and you don’t have to be embarrassed, even though it is scary initially, everyone is super supportive.”