Student-Athlete of the Issue: Jasmine Marchand

Student-Athlete of the Issue: Jasmine Marchand

By Marissa Mendoza Posted October 15, 2014

Jasmine Marchand has been chosen as Student-Athlete of the WeekAthlete of the Issue for her excellence both on and off the field.

Marchand is a three-sport athlete who was born in Carson City, Nevada. Sports have been a part of her life since she was young. Jasmine was inspired by her mom and dad to become involved in sports.

“My mom tries her hardest to make it to all of my games or meets with my sister, and my family has always encouraged me to play,” said Marchand.

Family is obviously a huge part of Jasmine’s life and they are a big reason she is who she is today.

Jasmine is a goalkeeper for the varsity girls’ soccer team. They have improved vastly since the beginning of the season and Marchand has been a big part of the turnaround.

“The season has gone fairly well, we’ve had some tough games, both physically and mentally, but I learn so much every day and see us improving daily,” explained Marchand.

While soccer isn’t Jasmine’s favorite sport, Jasmine loves the pressure and rush of soccer.

“In soccer, the adrenaline of going after the ball is my favorite thing about soccer. I love playing goalie but it’s a ton of pressure and the fate of the game is on your shoulders, you pretty much risk your life just to stop a ball,” said Marchand.

Jasmine also plays basketball and runs track, although she gives 100% of her effort in every sport, her favorite is basketball.

“Basketball is my favorite sport because there’s a lot more action and contact. I’ve played basketball the longest of any sport and I also enjoy the fans that come out for basketball,” she said.

Although Marchand plans on playing basketball in college, she plans on doing more with her life.

“After high school, I plan to go to college and get a teaching license so I can become a kindergarten teacher, but I still would like to participate in basketball during college,” revealed Jasmine.

Jasmine is a great role model not only for future athletes but also for the peers around Lowry. She is a great example of what to become academically and athletically at Lowry.