Student-Athlete of the Year: Savannah Stoker

Student-Athlete of the Year: Savannah Stoker

By Madalynn Tagle Posted June 6, 2024

Savannah Stoker has participated in three sports throughout high school: volleyball, basketball, and softball. She has been on varsity in all three sports since her sophomore year and has numerous accomplishments.

“I enjoy playing sports because it is an escape from reality and is a hobby of mine,” said Stoker. “It is fun to go out, be active, exercise, and go against other athletes.”

Stoker made the varsity team for volleyball as a sophomore. She has played volleyball for three years and works hard to improve. She contributes to her team with her strong leadership and ability to uplift her teammates. Her coach, Skylar Estes has seen her improvement, dedication, and hard work.

Savannah Stoke looks for a sign from her catcher. /Ron Espinola • The Brand
Savannah Stoke looks for a sign from her catcher. /Ron Espinola • The Brand

“What I enjoy about her as an athlete and as a person is how genuine and authentic she is. She has been amazing to coach because she continues to want to improve and is not okay with just staying the same,” said Estes. “Having an athlete that asks questions and truly wants to hear the answer is something every coach wants to have in a player.”

Stoker is an amazing volleyball player, but her dedication lies in two other sports and her favorite is basketball.

“Basketball is my favorite sport because it is a faster game and it is competitive,” said Stoker. “In basketball, you can contribute a lot more if something goes wrong and I enjoy that aspect of it.”

This year Savannah and her team won 3A state championships for the third year in a row. It was a tough game against Fernley but they eventually won 61-56. This win is a core memory for Savannah.

“Winning 3 state titles with my team and being able to make memories with my friends has been my overall favorite memory,” said Stoker.

The final game was not the only intense game though. The semi-final game was a tough one and Stoker’s amazing qualities as a player shined to Coach Chelsea Cabatbat.

“She got hit in the face and had a horrible double-blood nose,” said Coach Cabatbat. “She came back into the game with two nose plugs hanging out of her nose. She told all of us that we are not going to lose. At that moment in time, I knew that losing was not an option and she would do whatever it took to make sure we were playing in the championship game. She went out there and scored her 2,000 points and got us right back into the game. Her determination was extraordinary and a memory I will have forever.”

A few of them were her three state championship titles, hitting the 2,000-point mark, and being ranked 191st  throughout the nation with 237 FGs made.

The third sport Stoker played was softball. Throughout her years of playing softball, Stoker has gone to regionals three times, was named Northern 3A MVP, ranked 14th in runs at 193, fourth with 214 RBI, walked 68 times and currently holds the state record for home runs at 53.

“Another one of my favorite memories would be going to regionals the past couple of years with my team,” said Stoker.

Her softball coach for most of her years was Coach Austin Mayo. Coach Mayo grew to enjoy Stoker’s amazing personality and mental determination.

“Savannah has a positive and determined personality,” said Coach Mayo. “No matter the situation, no matter how tough or difficult it is, she always has a smile on her face and is going to get through it.”

Stoker’s hard work does not go unseen by her coach and she has always been hard-working while playing on the field and during practices.

“Savannah brings a presence to the team that is invaluable,” said Coach Mayo. “She is always going to try to be the hardest working person at practice and is willing to put in the extra work needed to be an elite athlete.”

With all of the amazing achievements Stoker has made throughout her years, it wouldn’t be without the help of those closest to her.

“My family is my biggest inspiration, definitely my dad,” said Stoker. “My dad has been my coach my whole childhood. I’ve looked up to him a lot in sports especially.”

Savannah Stoker hits against Elko./ Shayne Hampton • The Brand
Savannah Stoker hits against Elko./ Shayne Hampton • The Brand