What to Watch: ‘Bird Box’

By Araceli Galarza Posted January 28, 2019

“Bird Box” is a Netflix original film, about surviving in a world where you can’t see without having the urge to kill yourself.

I honestly enjoyed the movie, however, it could’ve been better. The movie leaves everyone with a bunch of questions and in the end, one is left with even more. For example, why do the criminally insane not kill themselves? What about them is so special that makes them not want to kill themselves?

Sandra Bullock who has been in many movies before this such as “Oceans 8”  and “Gravity” plays the main character, Malorie and Trevante Rhodes who plays Tom are the main characters, the movie begins with an aerial view of a creepy river and a voice giving instructions on how to get to a safe zone. The world has ended it is the apocalypse but rather than a nuclear war there are all these shadows around the world, and if you see them one of two things occur. You will see your greatest love or your worst fear both of these will cause you to kill yourself unless you are criminally insane then you’re fine and won’t feel the need to end your life but you do want to cause everyone to see “it” and cause them to kill themselves. The only way to survive is to not look at them so they walk around with blindfolds and learn to tune into the surroundings and scavenge all without sight.

The movie is a must-see but be prepared for questions that won’t be answered.