By Ron Espinola Posted December 16, 2022
Logan Sandvig: My new year’s resolution is to get at least a 3.0 GPA by the end of the semester. Another new year’s resolution is to get a job.
Zach Larson: My New Year’s resolution is to use my assignment log every day in every class.
Daniel Hinton: My new year’s resolution is to be a better person and to work on myself.
Giovanni Barrenechea: Get good grades in school.
Colton Hunt: Start going to the gym and start working.
Carlos Aguilar: To spend time with my family, to get a job, and get things done.
Juliette Murdock: My New Year’s resolution is to lessen my procrastination.
Myla Jones: I want to read more.
Consilia Brown: My New Year’s resolution is to be more patient with people.
Tristen Bennett: Be better.
Liliana Chavez: My new year’s resolution is to work on myself and start taking care of myself better.
Warren Cervantes: $10,000 by the end of next year.
Bryanna Larson: To graduate high school and move out of my parents’ house.
Robert Gabriel: Start saving money and getting better grades.
Mo Glenn: I hope to be a less self-destructive individual.
Hector Rivera: My resolution is to get ready to get out of this town.
Cadence Pettis: Better grades.
Alexis Castellanos: To finish my Junior year with at least a 3.8 GPA.
Braidyn Anderson: Better attendance.
David Caldera: To pass this class.
Austin Mejia Morfin: Graduate and stay fit.
Shaun Gilliland: For my mom’s back to get better so she can not have back surgery.
Ayden Wigglesworth: My new year’s resolution is to get my license when I turn 18, start doing better in school and start going to the gym 5 days out of the week.
Josh Rosas: Try and be an epic comic illustrator and create many different drawings of characters to create even more stories.
Kaysen Shepardson: To be better at making my money last.
Lance Brinegar: To stay alive another year.
Josh Burgos: Be better.
Gavin Paulsen: I want to maintain good grades and graduate and buy a new truck.
Emilio Magaña: My new year’s resolution is to work out more.
Diego Reyes: My new year’s resolution get more swole.
Isaac Danner: My new year’s resolution is to graduate high school.
Carl Nutting: My resolution is to make sure that my classwork is done and is done correctly.
Kiley Dayton: To be better at saving, and not to live in the past to live in the present instead of looking back.
Alfredo Figueroa: Get my money up and get my funny up.
Jocelynn Ramirez: My new year’s resolution is to save up more money (at least $3,000) to move out.
Brenton Baker: No mercy, If there are hours to be worked then work them.
Jaxon Unrein: Build my credit.
Jason Barbosa: To start a savings account and start saving money.
Derek Hotz: To gain enough money to leave Winnemucca and be better at saving.
Walter Dollar: My new year’s resolution is to save up money.
Ashley Rookstool: My new year’s resolution is to better myself by not procrastinating as much eating healthier and staying active.
Ryan Utterback: My new year’s resolution is to not be homeless after graduation.
Dante Cassinelli: My new year’s resolution is to get an A in consumer Finance.
Brandon Wilson: Live life to the fullest.
Alexa Jones: To finish high school.
Ariana Wilson: To finish high school.
Jesus Flores: To get that bread.
Kaylee Radtke: My News Year’s Resolution is to save $15,000 dollars before the end of August for college.
Natalie Albertson: My New Year’s Resolution is to still maintain good grades and to continue to save up for college while completing small goals along the way.
Savannah Foley: My new year’s resolution is to get my business fully up and running to help kids learn the safety of horses and how to properly ride them.
Itsel Monroy: To graduate high school.
Maria Gonzalez Figueroa: My new year’s resolution is to be able to pass all my classes with either A or B’s.
Tye Cooper: my new year’s resolution is to get a healthy diet and find time outside of the weekend to either make it to the gym or work out at home.
Jazmine Smartt: My News Year’s resolution is to pass the EMS National Registry exam to be a certified EMT.
Layne Wolf: To graduate high school.
Priscilla Esquibel: My new year’s resolution is to work on school more in order to obtain a higher GPA and a goal would be getting accepted to college.
Dyllan Brown Larue: To pursue a relationship with family friends etc. And hope to hold that high school diploma at the end of the year.
Violet Gay: Accomplish short and long-term goals.
Jocelyn Carrillo: Get good grades.
Lilly Thomas: My new year’s resolution is to keep up with my school work and better my experiences in life.
Jairo Diaz: My new year’s resolution is to stay out of trouble for the whole year of 2023 and to be better in school to improve my grades.
Lazaro Arvayo Trujillo: Start investing.
Ben Briseno: My personal New Year’s resolution is to obviously graduate high school, then I want to trade in my car for a 2019 Mercedes-Benz C-300 in the color Selenite Gray Metallic, I want to work on my fitness and start working out. Then after high school, before I start college I want to get a big boy job at the hospital to be able to pay for my needs while I am in college. Ashley Ruiz: To make more money!!
Lorena Talavera Vazquez: Be more volunteering.
Marcos Rodriguez: My new resolution is to get good grades to pass all my classes
Jasmin Ruiz: My new year’s resolution is to pick up a new hobby like learning a new instrument.
Parker Parker: Licensing the 1968 international scout.
Hannah Thompson: To get more sleep and manage my money better.
Itzel Reyes: My New Year’s resolution is to keep all my grades up above a C for the rest of the school year.
Jocelyn Perez: My new year’s resolution is to see a Maluma concert.
Wade Mori: Learn to braid from my grandpa and do silversmithing also
Juliana Velazquez: My new year’s resolution is to have better grades and not miss any days starting the new year. I am just wishing for the happiest and luckiest 2023.
Makenzie Voges: My new year’s resolution is to do better at shows and be able to get better sheep.
Litzi Silva: My new year’s resolution is to get all my assignments done on time.
Cali Keith: To put myself first and not let people walk all over me. Listen to my head and not my heart.
Brianna Contreras: My New Year’s resolution is to get better grades in school.
Adan Gomez Navarro: For my new year’s resolution I am going to stop spending money that I do not need to spend. To complete this resolution I am going to stop going out as much and stop eating out as much as well.
Sarah Wiggins: To Graduate from high school with good grades.
Enrique Armejo: My new year’s resolution is to be two steps closer to the path that will create who I want to be and where I want to end up.
Jovi Anderson: My new year’s resolution is to keep my grades up and to grow as a person.
Ally Green: My new year’s resolution is to prosper in sports and become perform the best I can.
Mia Hernandez: My new year’s resolution is to save more money to hopefully buy an apartment after I graduate high school and to just save more money in general so I can live successfully when I’m out of the house.
Juliana Blatzheim: My new year’s resolution is to take more opportunities even if it scares me.
Otila Castaneda: My New Year’s resolution is to go out more, and travel to different places.
Ludi Canales: My new year’s resolution is to focus more on my school work instead of other things that aren’t as important.
Destiny Medicine Cloud: My new year’s resolution is to give 110% with everything that I do
Danielle Scott: I would like to develop better sleeping habits.
Keira Garner: To turn in assignments on time.
Macy Whitted: Get better grades.
Cylie Spriet: My new year resolution is to be more on task.
Luz Magaña: My new year’s resolution is to be on top of my work and not let my grades down until the final moment.
Lainey Novacek: My new year’s resolution is to try and go to the gym more.
Alex Arredondo: I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment but one of my top new year’s resolutions is to get all of my college stuff done like applying to schools and finding/doing scholarships. My second one would be to state working out more. With school and work, I just can’t find the time to work out I plan to make time for it.
Chloe Bice: My new year’s resolution is to come out of my shell as I move and to make as many friends as I can.
Livvy Espinola: Going to the gym.
Emily Valdez: My new year’s resolution is to try not to procrastinate on work.
Laithee Murillo: Win a buckle.
Simon Nicholson: A good New Year’s resolution for me would be to get as good of grades as I can get and try not to be as late or miss school as much. Another would be to stay on a strict diet and lose weight for sports.
Allyssa Venzor: My new year’s resolution is to be better at talking to people and being less anxious and nervous when coming to talk to people. And to get better at doing work and turning it in on time
Elizabeth Carrillo Ochoa: My New Year’s is to get good grades.