Where are they now?

Where are they now?

By Raegan Terry Posted June 6, 2024

For most students, life after high school sounds exciting and a start to your new life.

After graduation, you finally get to decide what you do for the rest of your life. Many may go to college, travel the world, or even stay home and work.

Lowry High’s 2023 year graduates took on their lives and many took their paths alone.

Shelbie Hoyt has a scholarship to the College of Southern Nevada where she continues to learn about Dental Hygiene and play on the softball team.

“My favorite thing about college is the freedom that I have as well as being able to study what I want,” said Hoyt.

When continuing her love for dental hygiene, Hoyt misses her close-knit friends and family since she doesn’t have much time out of school to meet people.

“Life out of high school is different because the classes are much harder and you really have to want to be there,” said Hoyt. “College is what I expected regarding classes but it also has similarities to high school.”

With the toughness of College work and traveling for softball, Hoyt also battles a long distance with her boyfriend Tyson Terry.

Tyson Terry attends the College of Idaho in Caldwell where he has a scholarship for Exercise Science and is a part of the throwing track team.

For Terry, college is enjoyable as he is close with his eldest brother whom he now is coached by on the track team. Terry’s favorite thing about college is the new people he has been able to meet.

“Something I love more than anything about college is the community that is created around you,” said Terry. “College is fun since there are a lot fewer rules and more freedom, but the work is more stressful than high school”.

The challenge continues for Braden Hammargren as he attends UNR for Kinesiology.

Hammargren balances work, school, and his outside life while continuing to meet new people and make memories.

“I have a job at Restore Hyper Wellness and perform various methods of physical therapy and mostly cold therapy,” said Hammargren. “Life out of high school is great, It is more challenging for sure but I find a lot more comfort in solving my problems and doing things independently than at home”.

Kaid Sanchez took a different route and stayed home to make money and work.

Since Sanchez has not attended college at this point, he has an enjoyable working life at home while planning his future.

“I’m not going to school yet but when I do I’m going to TMCC for welding,” said Sanchez. “Life outside of high school is freaking awesome, I like paying bills and being on my own.”

Since graduation, Phoenix College now holds a special place in Kailey Franklin’s memories.

“The most exciting thing that has happened to me since graduation is moving to Phoenix,” said Franklin. “It takes a lot to pick everything up and leave everything I have ever known behind to start fresh.”

Franklin struggles with life outside of high school but enjoys the new set of challenges.

“Life outside of high school is good but it is not easy,” said Franklin. “Being an adult has come with a whole set of new challenges but it is also extremely rewarding, like being an adult and being about to choose what I would like to do every day is great.”