Who knows you best with: Mr. Jeff Setzer

Who knows you best with: Mr. Jeff Setzer

By Tara Bourland Posted November 10, 2017

Jacob Means

What’s his go-to movie? Anything from Stephen King or thought-provoking.

Jacob Means./ Tara Bourland • The Brand
Jacob Means./ Tara Bourland • The Brand

What superpower would he want? Time travel.

Is he a morning or night person? Morning person to be ahead of everyone early.

What’s his dream summer vacation? Watching the Tour de France in person.

What was his favorite class in High School? History.

Montana Roark

What’s his go-to movie? “Planet of the Apes.”

Montana Roark./ Tara Bourland • The Brand
Montana Roark./ Tara Bourland • The Brand

What superpower would they want? Invisibility.

Is he a morning or night person? Probably night.

What’s his dream summer vacation? Hawaii.

What was his favorite class in High School? Science or History.

ANSWERS: 1 “Hot Fuzz”; 2 Probably flying to save money on plane tickets; 3 Morning 4; Biking in Europe; 5 Accounting