Emily Anderson dances her way to the top

Emily Anderson dances her way to the top

By Stella Hammargren Posted October 10, 2023

Varsity dance athlete Emily Anderson was chosen for Performer of the Week because of her responsibility and progress in the sport by coach Theresa Mavity.

“Emily is very prepared and responsible,” said Mavity. “She is on time and rarely misses a practice.”

Anderson does not do other sports, she tried dance for fun and ended up liking it.

“I don’t really do other sports but I thought why not try dance out and I ended up loving it,” Anderson said.

Mavity also has found a liking to Anderson’s dedication.

“She reviews new dance material at home and shows up ready to learn,” said Mavity.

Anderson finds dance relaxing to her and uses it as an outlet for self-expression.

“Doing dance is really helpful for me to express myself,” Anderson said.