Whatever happened to…TV

Whatever happened to…TV

By Julianna Gonzalez Posted June 7, 2018

I think we’ve established that in recent years, television isn’t as popular anymore. So, what exactly happened to TV? It used to be a big trend but recently, it’s like nobody’s TV even gets turned on, and if it does, not as much as it used to be.

As a kid, I remember spending most of my time watching my favorite TV shows on Nickelodeon. I didn’t know about Netflix or about Youtube. I didn’t have a smartphone either.

I think the simplest answer would be smartphones are the new television. I mean, what is there to blame? It’s convenient; a small screen that is portable where you can easily watch anything on Netflix, YouTube, etc.

It’s very interesting to see how technology has changed these past few years. First, the common phrase among adults was “Kids are spending too much time watching TV.” But now it’s the overuse of smartphones.

It’s not only kids and teens who aren’t watching as much TV anymore, it’s also adults.

It’s not a bad thing that TV isn’t as popular anymore. It wasn’t good from the beginning, maybe just for television networks.
As people got older, their interest in shows may have changed as well. Teens watched a lot of shows as kids, but now they have Netflix.

A lot of popular television shows that used to air on television may have also ended and no longer air. Which may be the cause of people not watching TV anymore. The shows nowadays may not be everyone’s favorite.

Sophomore Adara Arias is still a fan of watching TV. But she only watches Netflix or YouTube on her TV instead of her phone, so she doesn’t necessarily watch television shows.

“I don’t have the greatest eyesight, so the bigger the screen, the better,” said Arias. “ But I don’t really watch TV shows that air on networks. I watch a lot of Netflix.”