Do’s and Don’ts

By Austin Lloyd Posted April 26, 2019

Do your work.
Don’t become lazy and skip doing your work.
Do your best.
Don’t stop trying.
Do turn in your homework
Don’t forget to.
Do go to class.
Don’t skip school.
Do enjoy school.
Don’t dread going.
Do enjoy your only four years of high school.
Don’t wish them away.
Do be nice to everyone.
Don’t be mean to people.
Do help your friends.
Don’t just give them the answers.
Do ask for help.
Don’t be afraid to ask.
Do go to learn.
Don’t just go because you have to.
Do fix your mistakes.
Don’t just ignore them.
Do pay attention in class.
Don’t doze off.
Do listen to your teachers.
Don’t ignore them.
Do be serious.
Don’t be a smart alec.
Do go above and beyond.
Don’t be afraid to try hard.
Do participate in class meetings.
Don’t be lame and not go.
Do join extracurricular activities.
Don’t not join.
Do respect your peers and teachers.
Don’t be mean.
Do get good grades.
Don’t flunk up.
Do respect school rules.
Don’t ignore them.