Minor holidays

By James Dunyon  Posted April 20, 2015

Many minor holidays are completely unknown, and some of them are quite interesting.

4/20 came and went just recently, and it’s one of the worst holidays out there because it gives stoners an excuse to smoke pot. It is one of those vague, unofficial holidays and it should be kept that way.

However, on April 22, it was Earth Day, and almost everybody didn’t realize it until they got on google. Earth day is pretty significant even though everyone seems to forget about it.

“I find some of the minor holidays very amusing and wish we could celebrate them more,” said freshman Alex Contreras.

Every single day of the year has some sort of minor holiday and they are almost always funny. On August 10, it is National Lazy Day, everyone should be able to neglect their responsibilities on that day instead of work. July 21 is National Junk Food Day, I guess this means you should eat processed, high-calorie food all day.

There are also more serious ones that promote the appreciation of certain career fields. June 2 is I Love My Dentist Day when you thank your dentist for his/her work on your teeth. April 13 was Thomas Jefferson Day which of course no one celebrates even though he was a founding father.

Every day is some sort of holiday, and they deserve recognition.