Are you struggling with Instagram etiquette?

By Nicholas Maddox  Posted February 18, 2015

Instagram is an amazing social network consisting of people posting their daily lives and showing off how “fleek” their eyebrows are. However, Instagram can be a very annoying app.

To start it off, Throwback Thursday. Everybody loves a Throwback Thursday but not a Throwback Monday, Throwback Tuesday, or Throwback Wednesday. We get it you’ve changed since you were 5-years-old. Also, a Throwback Thursday is when you post an old photo of you and a current one. So, a Throwback Thursday doesn’t mean you post a selfie of you from a week ago and a current one now.

Also, while we are on the topic of selfies; do not post more than two selfies in a row. It is annoying and we don’t need to see you that much.
If you are also going to post a photo on Instagram don’t put a million hashtags along with it. It shows that you are thirsty for likes and it is just sad. #knockitoff

The Flipagrams need to end. I cannot go through one holiday, season, or year without someone posting a collage of photos of how much fun you had with your friends. Do you want to know who cares about how much fun you had? You.

We also need to get rid of shout-outs all together. Odds are you will never be Instagram famous and you should get over it. So, stop asking, stop doing them, it needs to end.

On another note, don’t get me started with muscle pictures. If you have a good body, go ahead and post one but don’t go overboard with it. So, if you post a picture of your cat or something don’t be doing it with your shirt off. Because odds are all your followers will end up being a bunch of thirsty 13-year-olds.