Participate in high school events; sure, why not?

By Weston Irons  Posted April 15, 2015

High school is the final step before entering the real world, becoming an adult, and taking on responsibilities that do not even compare to those of high school. Therefore you need to milk the high school experience for all it’s worth. That does not mean being “turnt” 24/7 and creating a bunch of memories you will not even remember, but rather enjoying all the fun Lowry High School has to offer.

Throughout my high school career and after visiting other schools in Nevada, none of those schools or the people there have exceeded Lowry and the students at Lowry. It is hard to imagine spending these four years anywhere else, which brings me to my first point. Lowry has always been dominant in sports despite being considerably smaller than other schools in Nevada. You can always find an exciting and intense competition inside the gym or outside on the fields if you are looking for something to occupy your time. Better yet, participate in high school sports, and have our incredible student body cheer you on. Sports are just one of the many ways you can participate.

Homecoming, Winterfest, and Prom have to be the most eventful times of the school year and you don’t want to miss a minute of it. Some of those events include Date Auction Night, the Powderpuff football game, school bonfires, and many more. There are also countless dress-up days for which you can be unique. During these weeks, the schooling is easier and the good times get even better. Take advantage of this weeks and squeeze out all of the fun that you can.

Lowry also has a number of clubs and extracurricular activities (excluding sports), most of which anyone can join. They include The Brand, Winnada, FFA, FBLA, Skills USA, and the list just goes on and on. I’ve found that participating in these clubs is a great way to meet new friends, have fun doing something you enjoy doing, not to mention participating in these clubs looks good on a resume. So I would advise checking out a club and seeing if it is something for you.

It is not hard to see that there is always something fun going on at Lowry High School, so if you have a little too much free time on your hands, become part of one of the things stated above. Take advantage of these years in high school, because when you walk across that stage at graduation the high school dream is over. You’ll cherish the memories you made in high school forever, now it is up to you to create some.