Should piercings and tattoos be acceptable?

By Nicholas Maddox  Posted October 8, 2014

Most jobs, and some events, require you to look professional and require the person who has gauges, piercings, tattoos, etc. to have them either covered up or removed.

Should jobs and certain events be able to do that though?

The only reason they require it is some people get offended by them or they believe they look “unprofessional”.

This is the new generation and we should not have to change ourselves just because some people find it unprofessional.

We should be able to do anything we want for our bodies.

Also, people who do not like them should not judge the person who has them. If you have an opinion just keep it to yourself. There is no reason for people to get mad and make snide comments because the piercing or tattoo does not affect them at all.

Especially tattoos because most tattoos are beautiful and have a meaning behind them. Tattoos are also a form of art which is why they are called Body Art. Would you cover up any artwork?  It’s the same thing for tattoos. You’re covering someone’s art.

So piercings and tattoos should be acceptable anywhere and for anything.

They should never be covered or taken off ever, and people who do not have them should not judge anyone who has them.