Are novels better than movies?

By Nakiya Flores  Posted April 28, 2015

Many people love to watch movies, movies are a part of everyday life. Movies can connect with people in many ways. Novels can do the same thing. Reading a novel is like playing a movie inside your head- the reader can make up their own characters and make it their own story.

Some people would rather watch movies than read a novel which is understandable. Most of the time people don’t want to read through a novel because they think it takes too long. Or it’s just a hassle to find the extra time to read because of leisure activities.

Another reason why people don’t like to read is because they think it’s boring or they think reading does not help them. Reading can help a person with their punctuation and grammar because they start to notice how some authors write.

There are many reasons why people like to read, reading can make others think outside the norm. For example, when the Harry Potter series was released many people always wondered if flying on broomsticks could actually happen or if monsters were real. We all know this isn’t possible, but reading these types of novels can conjure incredible images in the imagination.

Reading can be very fascinating, especially reading horror or science fiction,. There are a lot of books to choose from and many authors to like and dislike. Reading can make others lose track of time because they are so interested in the novel. Reading can make others jump into a world they never thought could happen.