Open Your Eyes: Gay Marriage

By Maclyn Crnkovich  Posted December 17, 2014

Have you heard the news? There are now 32 states that allow same-sex marriage. 21 states have legalized gay marriage by court decision, eight by state legislature, and three by popular vote. 17 other countries have approved the freedom to marry for same-sex couples nationwide including Canada, Brazil, and South Africa. So why is gay marriage so frowned upon in the United States?

A court decision in Nevada legalized gay marriage on October 9, 2014. Many people completely oppose this law, but there are so many pros about legalizing gay marriage. It’s most likely going to boost Nevada’s economy, because honestly, who doesn’t want to get hitched in Las Vegas? Same-sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their commitment in the same way as heterosexual couples.

Although Nevada was forced to recognize the legitimacy of gay marriage by the courts, this is not the case everywhere. Recently, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals let stand gay marriage bans in Ohio and four other states. This ruling makes it more likely the issue will go before the Supreme Court.

Many people also argue that same-sex marriage is against the institution of marriage. The institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as between a man and a woman. People think that allowing gay couples to wed will further weaken the institution of marriage, even though over 40% of marriages currently end in divorce. Some people also just find it morally wrong and they say that it goes against “The Bible”.

Then there are people like me, who are neutral about the subject. Gay marriage is a moot point, just like the legalization of marijuana. Even though there is a lot of controversy, does it really matter what other people do? Is gay marriage directly affecting you? If it’s not, you should try to not let it bother you. Everyone should have to right to love who they want; America was founded upon the idea of a free country for everyone.