Billingsley, Duncan and Grant named Student-Athletes of the Issue

Billingsley, Duncan and Grant named Student-Athletes of the Issue

By Mary Granath Posted February 18, 2009

Varsity wrestlers Trevor Grant, Jace Billingsley, and Gus Duncan sat down to share their thoughts on the season, the coaching, and the anticipation of a State title.

A good word to describe Lowry wrestling would be ‘intense’ stated Grant.

“The intensity has improved from last year,” said Grant, “a lot of it has to do with having Jim [Billingsley] there. As a coach he expects a lot more, the mentality is different. Everybody expects to win.”

Since childhood, these athletes have been surrounded by the aggressive world of wrestling. Grant said he has been participating in wrestling for 13 years, “Since I could walk.”

A strong influence on Grant has been his older brother Justin, who now wrestles for Colorado State University.

“I look up to him in every way… everything that he accomplished I try to accomplish,” said Grant.

Duncan started wrestling in 5th grade, “I didn’t wrestle up until then just because I didn’t enjoy it,” he said. It was Duncan’s father who encouraged him to pursue the sport, “When he took the job at the high school he told me to come in, wrestle, have some fun, and I’ve just enjoyed it since,” Duncan explained.

Jace Billingsley./Courtesy • Winnada
Jace Billingsley./Courtesy • Winnada

Similarly, Billingsley’s father was also a pull factor for the freshman.

“He put me in wrestling when I was really young and then I just started to like it more and more,” said Billingsley

For Duncan and Billingsley this year brought an entirely new frontier. Going from Junior High wrestling to varsity high school wrestling is a significant change.

“Junior high is fun and everything, but high school is just way more intense,” said Duncan. “It’s more serious,” Billingsley added. All three wrestlers have goals for the season.

“My personal goals are to get in the 50 win club and win State,” stated Billingsley.

Duncan and Grant agreed with Billingsley and Grant added that he also wants to try and reach 200 wins for his career.

Lowry’s biggest competition this year is Spring Creek.

Trevor Grant./Courtesy • Winnada
Trevor Grant./Courtesy • Winnada

“For the past five or six years they’ve completely dominated Northern Nevada wrestling…We beat them once this year but now we have a bullseye on our back,” said Grant.

With wrestling being such a large commitment it’s difficult to balance the rest of what’s going on in life. It’s hard get motivated to do homework because you’re so tired after a long, grueling practice. However, when it isn’t wrestling season these three athletes like to stay busy. Grant, Billingsley, and Duncan play football and during their spare time enjoy indulging in their various hobbies. Snowboarding, wakeboarding, camping are what Grant prefers to do in his spare time.

“I like to sleep, and eat,” said Billingsley.

If one thing is certain about these committed athletes it is that they will do whatever it takes to get the job done. “A lot of people say it’s [wrestling] not really a sport it’s more of like a lifestyle,” stated Billingsley in agreement with Grant and Duncan.

It’s a sure fact that skill, intuition, and a fair amount of determination will follow these three individuals wherever their lives may lead them in the future.

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