Student-Athlete of the Issue: Bailee Brinkerhoff

Student-Athlete of the Issue: Bailee Brinkerhoff

By Araceli Galarza Posted March 19, 2021

Bailee Brinkerhoff is a valued member of two teams, basketball, and soccer, which she has played throughout her entire high school experience.

“Playing each sport has influenced my life, and has given me a great opportunity,” said Brinkerhoff.

Growing up Brinkerhoff played many sports, she has always aspired to play in high school basketball which was her favorite sport. Bailee only plays the wing, she is in charge of passing the ball and shooting.

“My favorite sport was basketball,” said Brinkerhoff. “I always looked forward to seeing my friends and I always wanted to play basketball on the Lowry team as well as be a part of the team.”

In soccer, Bailee plays multiple positions such as forward, defense, and midfielder. She has many great skills in each sport. She says that her greatest skill is her versatility. She is able to move back and forth which has allowed her to become a better team player. She values teamwork the most.

“My greatest skill is being a team player,” said Brinkerhoff. “Other players have influenced me by pushing me to be a better person. As a team, you are able to work together and put everyone’s skills as one and good teamwork will get you places” said Brinkerhoff.

Bailee Brinkerhoff. /Ron Espinola • The Brand
Bailee Brinkerhoff. /Ron Espinola • The Brand

Brinkerhoff is inspired by family. Her parents push her and make sure she is giving it her all.

“The people that inspire me the most are my mom and dad,” said Brinkerhoff. “They are always hard working and always working for what they love most in life. I want to be like them later in life. They push me to want to succeed and do better.”

Brinkerhoff is also a source of inspiration especially for her younger sister Bryce who also plays soccer and basketball.

“My sister is the best,” said Brinkerhoff. “I’m so proud of her, she’s always putting in extra work so she can do her best. She’s always pushing me to do better and to up my game too. She will yell at me when I need to put in more effort. I’m so proud of her.”

Brinkerhoff loves the close bonds that she has been able to form due to sports. She says that she knows she has made lifelong friendships.

“The best part about playing high school sports is being with the team,” said Brinkerhoff. “There is much more to a sport than just playing the game. You make lifelong friends through high school sports.”

After high school, she plans to get her basics done in town while also attending TMCC. She has hopes of becoming a dental hygienist.

“My plans after school are to finish up my basic classes here at GBC and also take TMCC classes from home,” said Brinkerhoff. “Once I finish up my basic classes I will apply to dental hygiene school. I want to attend Carrington in Boise and finish my schooling there.”

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