Performer of the Issue: Robyn Wadleigh

Performer of the Issue: Robyn Wadleigh

By Mary Granath Posted October 14, 2009

Born and raised in Winnemucca, Robyn Wadleigh has always participated in a sport. Although many know her as a cheerleader, Wadleigh also participates in gymnastics and swims. However, cheerleading is Wadleigh’s favorite because of the challenges it entails such as difficult stunts.

Throughout her life, Wadleigh has received support from her family.

“They come to my games and support me financially…cheerleading is expensive,” said Wadleigh.

However, she also finds inspiration within herself and her team, “I like being able to get down stuff that we work so hard on,” said Wadleigh.

Wadleigh knows that every position is important. As a flyer and tumbler herself, she greatly appreciates the bases, “we wouldn’t be able to what we do up there without them. We can be as flexible or have great balance but we can’t get anywhere without them. We all have to work together.”

Something that Wadleigh would like to see more of on the team is a larger contribution from guys.

“I would love having guys on the team. They’re stronger and it would be a lot easier to get harder stunts with them,” she said.

Even though she isn’t sure where she will be attending, Wadleigh would like to take cheerleading with her to college.

“I want to, but it would be hard to do work and cheerleading, and school,” she stated.

Even though Wadleigh’s life at Lowry may be coming to a close as her senior year approaches its end, she certainly can be confident of a bright future ahead of her.

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