Student-Athlete of the Issue: Betsy Guerrero

Student-Athlete of the Issue: Betsy Guerrero

By Wyatt Lester Posted October 12, 2011

Betsy Guerrero has been a successful student-athlete throughout her years. She has played basketball, volleyball, softball and ran track while keeping a 4.0 GPA.

“I did sports because they looked fun and competitive and I like to win. It was mostly my decision to play sports but my friends were doing them so I did,” said Betsy.

She began playing sports like basketball and softball and really enjoyed them so she continued to participate over the years.

Now she is a senior in high school and she has been playing volleyball and basketball. “Out of the two my favorite is volleyball because it’s fun to play as a team and I like the team I play with,” said Betsy.

Her accomplishments in basketball include a state championship in 2009 as guard and post. In volleyball, she was an all-state player as a hitter. Her role model throughout the years has been Reggie Bush because he’s hot. She hopes that she can be a role model to others like she has been to her younger brother.

When asked what she would have been like without sports she said, “I think I would have put a lot of time in book smarts but sports have seemed to keep my grades up. I’ve never done anything that I’ve regretted.”

Her view of herself and her legacy at Lowry is that she is a hard worker and she does her job on and off the court as well as in the classroom. Her plans for the future aren’t really set in stone but she hopes to enjoy her last year at Lowry.

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