Being famous for being famous

By Kaity Sample  Posted February 18, 2015

Our generation popularizes people for ridiculous reasons. We recognize people who are famous for being famous, they aren’t anything special and have not done anything to help our society. Alex from Target. Rings a bell doesn’t it? You’ve probably seen this kid’s face all over Twitter doing his minimum wage job, all because some girl thought he was a “perfect 10”. Let’s be real, Alex is honestly a six or maybe a seven if you’ve actually seen the kid from the front.

Most people of my generation don’t know who Malala Yousafzai is. She is a young girl who was shot for her beliefs on gender equality in education. Many teens haven’t heard of the Sacramento Valley baseball team that lifted a four door sedan off of a girl to save her life, but they’ve heard of Lil Terio. Everyone knows who Kimmy K is, but not many have heard of Ryan Jones the Virginia medical student who saved someone’s life during a routine procedure.

Our generation doesn’t know a lot of everyday heroes, but instead fantasizes over Alex from Target and Chloe on Vine. We need to stop obsessing over people who don’t matter. Our priorities need to change. Eventually we will be electing the politicians who run our country; and maybe running it ourselves. If we maintain the status quo, the United States is doomed and all faith in humanity is lost.