By Jolyn Garcia Posted February 6, 2013
Dusty Hamilton & Nani Ramirez
When is your anniversary?
D: “The 21st, the day the world was supposed to end. Had I realized my mistake in my choice of the day, I would have asked her out a day later just so everyone would have known the world wasn’t going to end. Although it was not a mistake that I asked her out.”
N: “April 21, 2012, weird how it fell into place!”
How did you meet?
D: “During French class my sophomore year, her freshman year. I sat in front of her and I started talking to her one day because I wanted to get to know her.”
N: “We met in French class my freshman year. When the class was moved around, I ended up sitting right in front of him. Later that night he messaged me on Facebook!”
What was your first impression of one another?
D: “She was kind of dorky in a cute way and extremely nice.”
N: “I thought he was an odd one, yet hilarious. Everything he said and did make me laugh!”
What was it that attracted you to one another?
D: “Probably her athleticism, I mean I’m just a simple man who needs a woman that can bench press me, is that too much to ask? But honestly, probably her smile and she doesn’t smell too bad either.”
N: “The way Dusty always has something hilarious to say about EVERYTHING. His intelligence, I love it!”
Who is the boss in the relationship?
D: “She is no question…”
N: “It’s a never-ending battle, but in the end it’s me.”
What do you like most about each other?
D: “She’s always so cheery and positive, even when she’s angry. She’ll be like ‘Oh I’m going to kill someone because they push or such in the hallway but she says it with a smile.”
N: ”I like the fact that he’s orderly, kind, thoughtful, and is really smart. Just everything!”
Describe each other in one word.
D: “Forgiving.”
N: “Paradisiacal.”
Least favorite thing about each other?
D: “She’s as stubborn as a mule.”
N: “I dislike his stubbornness, when he’s doing something he won’t let anything interfere. And if I can fix something, it’s thoroughly questioned.”
A song that reminds you of each other?
D: “’ I’m Glad you Came’ by The Wanted.”
N: “’ I’m Glad you Came’ by The Wanted.”
Chris Mendoza & McKenzie Maddox
When is your anniversary?
Chris: “I honestly have no idea. December something I think the 22nd because it’s got to be the 22nd.”
McKenzie: “January 17, 2013.”
How did you meet?
Chris: “I would have to say in school because you meet a lot of new people here.”
McKenzie: “Good ‘ole elementary school.”
What was your first impression of each other?
Chris: “I thought she was a pretty cool girl and she is cute.”
McKenzie: “Super funny and cute.”
What was it that attracted you to one another?
Chris: “Her sense of humor and the fact that she is fun to talk to.”
McKenzie: “His personality and he isn’t afraid to be himself. And of course his charming good looks.”
Who is the boss in the relationship?
Chris: “I am. Because I have to get permission from my parents first before I can do anything, so yeah.”
McKenzie: “Hmmm…”
What do you like most about each other?
Chris: “The ease of being able to keep a conversation going no matter how random it gets.”
McKenzie: “I like that he always is making me smile and laugh. He is also super sweet and caring. Never a dull moment.”
Describe each other in one word.
Chris: “Outgoing.”
McKenzie: “Amazing.”
Least favorite thing about each other?
Chris: “She has more money than I do.”
McKenzie: “His truck is always super cold.”
A song that reminds you of each other?
Chris: “ ‘South Side’ by Lloyd.”
McKenzie: “’ Start of Something Good.’”