Career Fair allows students chance to check out colleges and career paths

Career Fair allows students chance to check out colleges and career paths

By Marc Esquivel Posted November 20, 2011

On Thursday, November 10, the juniors and seniors of Lowry were given the chance to take a look at some college options and local business opportunities.

Many colleges such as UNR, UNLV, BSU, and CSI had booths set up at the fair where students could learn about enrollment and the kinds of classes that they offer. Representatives from the Navy, Army, Marines, and Air Force also had booths set up and helped students interested in joining the armed forces obtain information about the different branches of the military.

Local businesses and corporations were also represented at the fair. The Humboldt Sun, Newmont, Barrick, Hycroft, the Winnemucca Police Department, Humboldt General Hospital, Wells Fargo, and the BLM were among these local businesses offering information.

Students read some of the material provided by business representatives./Marc Esquivel • The Brand
Students read some of the material provided by business representatives./Marc Esquivel • The Brand

“The fair had a lot of useful information on colleges and future career paths,” said senior Daniel Mahon.

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