Coffee: Beneficial or Nah?

Coffee: Beneficial or Nah?

By Ale Ibarra Posted May 9, 2018

Every morning, there are several people in line or in the drive-through to get a latte just before school or work. No one stops to think what they’re drinking, or where it came from; just the thought of the awakening caffeine found in every cup. Countless myths about coffee and its effects cause people to be blindsided by what it really is. There are actually many benefits to drinking this internationally-consumed beverage.

According to, caffeine is a stimulant that can enhance brain functions and boost metabolism. This stimulant is loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve health, including Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, and Niacin. These nutrients in coffee, along with its other properties, help protect the body against Type 2 diabetes, and liver cancer, and possibly decrease cardiovascular mortality. ( There have also been studies showing that people who drink coffee are at lower risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. ( Therefore, it’s safe to say that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of multiple serious diseases.

These medical benefits, however, only come with taking the coffee in its purest form. Adding milk, sugar, and other additives may diminish the value of the coffee beans because it’s no longer in its purest form.

Since many people usually take their coffee from home, unknown calories aren’t a huge issue in their minds. Those who go to Starbucks and order something like the Caramel Macchiato though, are probably oblivious to the fact that this Grande-size drink contains 33 grams of sugar, according to This is more than a Snickers candy bar. Or maybe they know that but just don’t care because it’s so good. Instead, one should opt for the Caffè Latte, which only has 18 grams of sugar and serves the purpose of caffeine without as many unnecessary calories.

In all, coffee is in fact healthy and beneficial to add to one’s lifestyle; unlike many other people have said. It is also a helpful alternative for those students who stay up countless nights a year to finish homework and study. Personally, I wouldn’t stay awake in first period on some days if I didn’t have that morning cup of joe. So, take some time to get away from those stereotypical “coffee facts” and try it for yourself. You’ll either agree with the norm or you’ll learn to love the coffee beans that nature provides.