Do’s and Don’ts

By Maclyn Crnkovich  Posted December 17, 2014

Do read this whole article.

Don’t be a ninny and skip over it.

Do laugh at this article because it’s funny.

Don’t listen to Swing Tree music. People will accuse you of being a hippie.

Do listen to Vampire Weekend because they’re the bee’s knees.

Don’t go to lunch with someone who has a significant other. Chances are, you won’t survive the endeavor.

Do go to lunch with me because I don’t have very many friends.

Don’t abbreviate words in essays such as “rn” for right now.

Do abbreviate words when you’re trying to pester others around you.

Don’t back-talk your elders.

Do back-talk your friends because if they’re anything like mine, they’re probably wrong.

Don’t go to the basketball games to smooch your “love”.

Do go to the basketball games and sit in the student section.

Don’t tell your boyfriend/girlfriend you love them in high school unless it’s used in a friendly way. Love is nonexistent.

Do chuck up the deuces to everyone in the hallway. It’s the “in” thing.

Don’t subpost people on social media. It’s rude and shows how much of a jerk you are.

Do mention people if you do decide to post about them.

Don’t post provocative selfies on Instagram.

Do post selfies of you and your friends having a grand ol’ time.

Don’t make this school year drag by. Have fun and be spontaneous.

Do have a great holiday season.