FAKE NEWS: Lowry takes a stand against doing homework

FAKE NEWS: Lowry takes a stand against doing homework

By Emily Jock Posted November 10, 2017

You all know the latest story about the Seattle Seahawks sitting on the bench during the National Anthem before the start of the game against the Indianapolis Colts at Centurylink field, and all the other NFL players in the league. Well that started a rage in our school, the student’s at Lowry are protesting against doing their homework.

It all started a week after the game, Lowry students got tired of having four hours of homework after a seven hour school day.

“I’m so sick of all this trash homework, I refuse to do anymore of it. There are more important things in the world,” said Montana Roak.

The students are putting their foot down on the situation, they are refusing to do anymore homework, their teachers are giving. The trash bins and hallways are filled with papers from every class. Lowry students do not care about the work they are doing at home or in the classroom.

Even teachers are taking a stand against this crisis. The teachers were getting tired of grading four hours of students homework, when their answers were not even related to the questions.

One teacher said, “At this point all the teachers are done giving assignments when the students do not pay attention.”

The teachers are having to spend way too much time on the same subject because they think the students are not getting it, but what they don’t know is the kids are not interested in learning anymore.

The Lowry staff cannot get a grip on the students and all the madness this situation has caused. The Lowry staff has started to use up all of their days off because they are too stressed to deal with the situation. As more time went by with the madness at Lowry, the staff came up with a possible solution, To let the kids have a longer lunch and shorter class periods on Fridays if 70% or more of the students turned in and get good grades on their homework.