By Larry Litrell Posted October 7, 2015
Many students find themselves struggling at some point throughout the school year to keep their grades up in one or more classes. For those students who are also finding it difficult to keep a decent grade in at least one class, their problems may be solved. Humboldt County School District’s administration has just approved a policy to give students extra credit for attendance.
Each day students show up to a class you will receive one point of extra credit. The school district feels this will provide more leniency in classes. The students at Lowry seem much more excited than the staff. Math instructor Andrew Dickson is entirely against the administration’s new standard about receiving extra credit.
“I don’t get a bonus for coming to work. I don’t think students should receive extra credit just for showing up at school. Something that simple shouldn’t be deserving of reward,” said Dickson.
Sophomore Nathan Kepler opposed Dickson’s opinion. Kepler believes gaining extra credit for attendance would boost his class scores.

“I mean, my grades aren’t that bad, but I do think getting that extra boost would ensure I pass every class,” Kepler said. “Also, having the points of extra credit will show teachers certain students are putting in the effort to go to school. I know that later in the year I will probably start to slip in certain classes, like English.”
Kepler is not the only one to agree with the new policy. Mrs. Lisa Scott also agrees with this new standard. She even believes that the policy should be taken further. Her idea for the expansion of this policy is to remove the requirement for students to make up work assigned on days they were absent.
“It’s not fair to the students who don’t show up. We need to prepare them for the real world and expecting them to make up for missed work is ludicrous,” said Scott.
From the administration’s standpoint, this new standard will boost passing and graduation rates by approximately thirty percent. Vice Principal Dustin Christean agrees wholeheartedly with the administration’s decision.
“Many students at Lowry lack motivation to attend class, and this new attendance standard will only help students. I think it is a win-win situation for everybody,” Christean said.