Humboldt County Art Show exhibits works of high school artists

Humboldt County Art Show exhibits works of high school artists

By Samm Sharp Posted April 26, 2019

Lowry High School’s art department and Art Club sponsored HCSD’s 46th annual Art Show; which took place from March 7-17 at the Humboldt Museum.

Advanced Art student Brooks Carroll believes art shows are fairly important to small-town communities like Winnemucca.

“No matter how small a town is, everyone should be able to stand out in their area of expertise,” said Carroll. “The art shows give the artists of Winnemucca that chance.”

Lowry’s Art Two, Advanced Art teacher and Art Club advisor Ms. Julia Topholm entered several student pieces this year and featured those who entered the Scholastic Art Competition. She stated the pieces were hard to choose from this year; as many of the students are highly skilled through her eyes.

“The pieces that were chosen for the show truly exemplify the great talent here at Lowry,” said Topholm. “It was a year filled with a variety of new projects blended with some that have become a tradition. It was important to showcase the work of our advanced students who took on the challenge of entering pieces in the Scholastic Arts Competition, the skill-based work of the Art 1 and Basic Drawing classes to the expressive work of Art 2 and Sculpture students.”

Topholm also stated that the turnout of the opening night was fantastic. Almost 300 people came to visit. She also mentioned the spectator’s reactions were pleasant.

Opening night of the art show. /Courtesy • Julia Topholm
Opening night of the art show. /Courtesy • Julia Topholm

“The pieces sparked conversations, laughter, and ‘wow’ moments,” said Topholm. “One of the best reactions came from one of our elementary students that said, ‘Whoa mom look at that, how’d they do that? It is awesome,’ as they were looking at the hand sculptures on display. Getting to explain the process to that young artist was truly a highlight for me.”

Even as an art student, Carroll enjoyed viewing pieces from all different artistic levels.

“I love to see everyone’s different interpretations and capabilities of the projects,” said Carroll. “Especially when they (students) were all given one topic but they were able to branch out in so many creative ways to represent themselves as an artist and a person.”

Topholm feels that the community has always been supportive of the arts and is very thankful for it.

“We are lucky to have a community that supports the arts and the creative spirit of our Humboldt County students,” said Topholm.

Lowry’s exclusive Art and CTE show will be May 30 from 5-7 p.m. in the Art and CTE building where pieces from welding, electrical, CADD, art, and sculpture will be displayed.