Is it helpful to be skeptical about anything?

Is it helpful to be skeptical about anything?

By Levi Lester Posted May 25, 2017

In our world being skeptical of the environment around us can benefit us in many good ways. In our world, the problem is that in order to live in a somewhat objective society we need to accept certain things as being true. Skepticism in simple terms is doubt applying critical thinking and using reason to solve things that we see unfit in our own eyes. This disbelief can be based on the lack of scientific evidence to support a claim or it can be based on religious beliefs. People sometimes are skeptical because they don’t believe something regardless of scientific evidence or other material that can be used to prove them wrong. Common core knowledge and ideas derive from brilliant minds that question the unknown or even the average person who contemplates life and its mysteries. Whether it’s religion, science, or proving the basic concept of understanding how medicine works, skeptics will always come out to voice their opposition on the subject. Skepticism helps people evolve as questioning everything can make us think on a broader spectrum than if we accepted everything thrown at us with no hesitation whatsoever.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question” a famous quote from a soliloquy spoken by the character Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” can be an example of skepticism as Hamlet questions whether to live or die. This may be a dark theme, but it’s a simple example of skepticism the belief of always asserting ourselves to comprehend things. The common thought process of questioning things makes us who we are as humans.

Another quote that can exemplify skepticism is one by Michael Stevens. “It is possible for nobody to be correct, but for everybody to be right.”

Using skepticism to cover up our insecurities and our weaknesses isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it can dismiss our intellectual point of view on what we are arguing for or against. What people should try to understand is that questioning each other isn’t wrong as it helps to clarify what we believe is right and wrong.

Some good examples of skepticism can be something such as a police officer who is skeptical that a driver of a vehicle, who is weaving through traffic hasn’t consumed any alcohol. Another idea of skepticism can be a sales pitch that sounds too good to be true. Whether it’s big or small an event can always be doubtful on all levels whether scientifically, religiously, or overall just not right to those that disapprove of the concept.

Skepticism as a whole isn’t a bad thing and people can misinterpret skeptics as thinking irrationally or not believing anything. This isn’t the case as skeptics do believe in a lot of things as long as they have conclusive evidence. Overall having a balance of an open mind and a motive to keep what can be proven and what can’t be proven is the brilliance of skepticism.