By Madison Waldie Posted February 28, 2012
On February 15, 2012 the gymnasium at Lowry High School looked like that of a high energy concert venue when an alternative-rock band from Salt Lake City came to Lowry and played a show for the student body. Going Second is a group of five talented men who play at schools across the country to educate, motivate and inspire students to get involved in music and stay drug free. Under the non-profit organization, Music Makes Music, Going Second played a loud and spectacular concert that got the students on their feet and consumed in both the music and message.
Music Makes Music is dedicated to empowering and motivating students to continue their education, play music, and live a substance-free lifestyle.
“They [Music Makes Music] created the Music is Sick Tour to go around and hang out with the students at schools, and talk to them more on a peer level than an authority figure,” said guitarist Mike Crowder.
Through the Music is Sick tour, Going Second has reached thousands of students in more than 150 schools. The band played some of their original songs, as well as a few popular, modern songs that the crowd could sing along to.
The Lowry High School band and combined choir joined the band on stage for two songs and showcased their talents to the student body, and promoted the music department. After getting the attention of the entire student body, Going Second was able to educate the 900 students about the impact music and drugs can make on their lives. The student body participated in the concert by clapping along, singing, and showing their appreciation to Going Second and the Lowry music department.
“Best school so far! It’s been my favorite school,” said bass player Eugene Carpenter.
Drummer Nik Ferrari played a trivia game with three students while using statistics as questions. He shared that a student involved in music in high school is more likely to attend college. Students learned that a high school graduate will make 200,000 dollars more in their lifetime than someone who hasn’t graduated, and that a college graduate will make close to a million dollars more, in their lifetime than a person who didn’t attend college.
“My favorite part is the interaction before and after the show. It’s nice seeing the change from a person not knowing what to expect in the performance, to being a die-hard fan,” said Ferrari.
Lead Singer Ferril Davis spoke to the students about his personal difficulties with drugs and how he overcame his addiction through music, he also shared that all of the band members were living a drug-free lifestyle and following their dreams of making it in the music industry.
“We are inspiring the next generation of drug-free musicians. Students turn on MTV or VH1 and the message is awful. They say it’s about sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, and that isn’t what it’s about to us,” Davis said. He continued, “I feel like by telling my story if someone is already in that situation of drug use or addiction they can see that there is a way out, or they can avoid the situation altogether.”
Because of the way that the band plays and relates with the students, they are looked up to and they know that what they share and say on stage is going to impact everyone in the crowd. As they spoke to the students and played their music, Going Second made friends and fans, as well as students that truly listened to the message they were trying to get across.
“The most rewarding part of the production is the messages that we are able to give to the students. It seems like students listen to what we have to say, and look up to us and that is really awesome,” said guitarist Thomas Sienko.